Monday, October 25, 2010

It's A BOY!

Your mom called me a little after 6am on August 9, 2010 and said that I had a new nephew.  It's a BOY!  I couldn't believe it and I couldn't wait to meet you.

I grabbed some coffee and breakfast for your mom and dad and came right over to the hospital.  Meeting you was one of the greatest moments of my life!

You were such a beautiful baby with your brown hair, cute nose and really great lips!  I couldn't get enough of you and just wanted to bundle you up and hold you all day long.

The first day of your life you met a lot of new people.  Everyone thought you were the most perfect thing they had ever seen.

I took a little video of you on the day you were born...your little lip smacks are my favorite sounds!

Here are some great pictures of your first day of life!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Will, this is your aunt Alyssa. I was so excited to meet you the day you were born. I'd gotten to feel you kicking a couple of times in your mommy's tummy, but I really wanted to see your cute little face, and all your fingers and toes, and all of you. And you were even cuter than I had imagined. You were perfect. It was a Monday morning, and I had just gotten to work when your daddy called me with the news. I was so excited, I ran around my office and told all of the people I worked with that I was an AUNT! Right away I called your great-grandmother, Meme, who had also heard the news. You were named after Meme's husband, your great-grandfather, and she couldn't wait to meet you either. So together, she and I came over to the hospital to see you. We got to the room where your family was staying, and you were awake! We got to hold you and kiss you that morning, and welcome you to our family. It was such a wonderful morning. You didn’t cry at all when we were there, I think you were trying to figure out who all of these new people were. I didn’t stop smiling all week, I was so happy to finally meet you!
    Love, your auntie Alyssa.
